Roster of All Events (2024 - 2006)

NOTE: Select the year tab and click the event description to open the event page

MGPCO Newsletter
GANDHI'S REFLECTIONS... Echoes of Peace, Non-violence, and Harmony

Issue 1
March 2024
Issue 2
April 2024
Issue 3
May 2024
Issue 4
June 2024
Issue 5
July 2024
Issue 6
August 2024
Issue 7
Sept 2024

Issue 8
Oct 2024

Issue 9
Nov 2024

Issue 10
Dec 2024

Community Education Initiatives
on Gandhi's Principles

Inner Peace Journey
... fostering self-awareness, clarity, and a sense of duty towards humanity.

Gandhji's Vows for Youth
... Youth learn Vows and write an essay, expressing their reflections and insights.

Gandhji's Vows for Kids
... Teach Vows to Kids and encourage them to express in art form.

The Board of Directors
(Approved by the General Body of Members at the AGM 2023 on Dec 14, 2023)

Elected Slate of Directors [in accordance with the Bylaws]:

  • Amy Dillon, Secretary & Director
  • Anil Agrawal, President & Director
  • Brij Bhushan Gupta, Treasurer & Director
  • Mamata Dutta, Director
  • Dr. Noel Salmond, Director
  • Rajesh Jain, Vice-President & Director
  • Dr. Sushil Kumar, Director & Newsletter Editor
  • Vandana Sharma, Director & Cultural Program Coordinator

Past President:

  • Rashmi Gupta

Special Directors [appointed by the General Body for an indefinite period]

  • Dr. Jagmohan Humar
  • Dr. Kanta Marwah

Thank you,
our Life (Trustees, Sponsors and Patrons) and Annual Members.

Your steadfast support, a guiding light,
Fueling our mission, day and night.
With your dedication, we find the way,
To spread Gandhi’s wisdom, every day.
Your generosity lifts us high,
Bringing peace where shadows lie.
Together, we make a lasting mark,
In every heart, we light a spark.
Through harmony, love, and gentle grace,
Your commitment helps us embrace,
A world of kindness, calm, and care,
With you beside us, hope is there.

The life-size statue of Mahatma Gandhi, unveiled on Oct 2, 2011, stands on Carleton University Campus in Ottawa, Canada.​

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
(2 Oct 1869 – 30 Jan 1948)

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi, was born in India on October 2, 1869. After earning a degree in law from the Inner Temple, UK, in 1891, he moved to South Africa where for the next 24 years he led a peaceful and non-violent struggle against racism and discrimination faced by the Indian community.

In 1915 Gandhi returned to India and soon became the leader of India’s struggle for independence from British rule. After years of peaceful civil disobedience and resistance, freedom came to India in August 1947.

Forever committed to non-violence and truth, Gandhi has been hailed as an apostle of peace and has inspired many of humanity’s leaders who employed non-violent resistance in their struggle against oppression and tyranny.

Message of the President, Anil Agrawal
(elected at the AGM 2023 on Dec 14, 2023)

Dear Esteemed Members of the Community,

Anil Agrawal, President, Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council of OttawaAs I humbly step into the role of President of the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council of Ottawa, I wish first to pay homage to our outgoing President, Rashmi Gupta, and the retiring members of our Board, Dr. Anne Vallely, Seleena Desjardins, Dinesh Mohan, and Swapna Manjusha Shail. Their selfless service, unwavering dedication, and valuable contributions have been the bedrock of our Council’s achievements. Under Rashmi’s Leadership and the stewardship of various members of the Board, the Council has flourished, becoming a cornerstone of peace and educational outreach in the Ottawa community.

Today, as we stand on the shoulders of these giants, we carry forward a legacy that spans many years of dedicated service. The Council has been a beacon of enlightenment through its myriad educational activities, profoundly enriching our community and fostering a culture of peace, understanding, and Gandhian principles.

As your new President, I am committed to working closely with our new Board to build upon this illustrious legacy. I invite you, our board members, and the broader community to join hands in promoting Gandhian values, which are more relevant today than ever. Let us unite and be dedicated to further the cause of peace and harmony in our diverse community.

As we embark on this new chapter, I welcome our new Board of Directors. Your willingness to contribute to the Peace Council’s noble cause is inspiring and vital. Together, we will function as a close-knit team, channeling our collective energies to further the cause of the Peace Council. I encourage each of you to actively enhance the visibility and presence of the Peace Council within all Ottawa communities. Through our educational initiatives, let us spread widespread awareness of Gandhi’s messages of peace, non-violence, harmony, mutual love, and compassion. Our united efforts will undoubtedly create a more peaceful, understanding, and loving society, true to the vision of Mahatma Gandhi.

To the beautiful mosaic of communities in Ottawa, we at the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council of Ottawa extend our heartfelt commitment to sharing Gandhiji’s timeless messages. Our mission transcends beyond mere words; we are dedicated to actively engaging every neighborhood, every group, and every individual with our educational and outreach initiatives. These initiatives are designed to echo the principles of peace, non-violence, and mutual respect that Mahatma (the Great Soul) Gandhi stood for. We warmly invite everyone to join us in this meaningful journey. Whether it is through participating in our events, contributing your ideas, or supporting us through donations, every effort counts. Together, we can build a stronger, more harmonious community, reflecting the ideals of understanding and compassion that Mahatma Gandhi championed. Your support, in any form, is the cornerstone of our success and the driving force that enables us to make a lasting impact in our diverse city.

In the tapestry of Ottawa’s multicultural society, Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy shines as a beacon of hope and harmony. Gandhiji’s life and contributions to the world were political, deeply moral, and spiritual, offering timeless principles that resonate profoundly in our modern world rife with strife and disharmony. His profound teachings, like ‘Be the change that you wish to see in the world‘ and ‘Non-violence is the weapon of the strong,’ hold particular relevance today, guiding us towards peaceful coexistence and mutual respect.

Gandhi’s philosophy has inspired world leaders. Martin Luther King Jr., who once said, ‘Gandhi was inevitable. If humanity is to progress, Gandhi is inescapable,’ adopting non-violence in his fight for civil rights. As influenced by Gandhi, Nelson Mandela led South Africa out of apartheid with a similar spirit of reconciliation and peace.

Gandhi’s message of simple living, empathy, and truth transcends cultural boundaries, making it especially vital for Ottawa’s diverse communities. His example of peaceful resistance and unwavering commitment to justice and equality inspires us to foster a community where every voice is heard and valued.

As we invite you to support and participate in the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council’s initiatives, we remember Gandhi’s words, ‘In a gentle way, you can shake the world.’ Let us embrace these principles, contributing to a world of greater peace, understanding, and love.”

Members of the Peace Council, if you wish to attend any of our Board Meetings, you are welcome to join us and give your input to our discussions. You can also contribute your ideas.

With heartfelt gratitude and anticipation,

Anil Agrawal

President, Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council of Ottawa

Brief bio-data of Anil Agrawal

Anil Agrawal has an educational background in Electronics, followed by nearly 30 years of career in the field of computers and information technology. For the past 25 years, he has been engaged in business advisory and coaching services to entrepreneurs and small business owners. Since 2004, he has been actively involved in community organizations. He actively served the India-Canada Friendship Circle (ICFC) from 2005-2012, joined the Mahatma Gandhi Society in 2006, incorporated the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council of Ottawa in 2009, obtained Charity status in 2010, served the Peace Council until 2013 and then served the Indo-Canadian Community Centre (ICCC) since 2011. For the past ten years, he has been peripherally active in providing technology and some administrative services to the Peace Council. He brings a lengthy community service background and enormous enthusiasm to raise the Peace Council’s profile in the community.

Gandhi's Speech in Kigsley Hall, London 1931

'Vaishnav jan to' sung by artists of 124 Nations (Excerpt)

Vaishnav Jan To Tene Kahiye …

[Translation by noted Indian author and columnist Mr. Khushwant Singh. In a column written for The Hindustan Times, Mr. Singh published his English rendering of Bapu Gandhi’s favorite hymn: Vaishnav Jan To…]

A godlike man is one,
Who feels another’s pain
Who shares another’s sorrow,
And pride does disdain.

Who regards himself as the lowliest of the low,
Speaks not a word of evil against any one
One who keeps himself steadfast in words, body and mind,
Blessed is the mother who gives birth to such a son.

Who looks upon everyone as his equal and has renounced lust,
And who honours women like he honours his mother
Whose tongue knows not the taste of falsehood till his last breath,
Nor covets another’s worldly goods.

He does not desire worldly things,
For he treads the path of renunciation
Ever on his lips is Rama’s holy name,
All places of pilgrimage are within him.

One who is not greedy and deceitful,
And has conquered lust and anger
Though such a man Saint Narsaiyon has a godly vision,
Generations to come, of such a man, will attain salvation.