MGPCO Life Membership

The Board of Directors of the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council hereby invite you to become a Life Member of the Peace Council. 

You will receive a tax receipt for your donation.

Life Member Categories:

  • Trustee: Donate $5,000 or more.
  • Sponsor:  Donate $1,000 or more.
  • Patron: Donate $300 or more.

Payment Options:

  • By bank e-Transfer to
  • By cheque: Make cheque payable to Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council of Ottawa, and mail the cheque to Brij Gupta, Treasurer (MGPCO),182 Riversedge Cres, Gloucester, ON K1V 0Z8.
  • Via Paypal (see the payment buttons below.). 
Joining as a Life Member


Payment Options:
Please pay large amounts, $1,000 or more, by e-Transfer or by cheque. Thank you.
1. Pay by e-Transfer: e-Transfer from your bank to Specify the purpose of your payment (e.g. donation category).

2. By cheque: Make cheque payable to M.G.P.C.O. and mail it to Brij Gupta, Treasurer (MGPCO),182 Riversedge Cres, Gloucester, ON K1V 0Z8

3. Pay via Paypal: Please click the appropriate PayPal button below--Pay via your own PayPal account, or pay via a credit/debit card or bank.

Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council of Ottawa
Donors - List