Gandhi’s Vows/Values:

Pathways to Peace & Compassion!

"True inner peace empowers us to see the world's suffering clearly and inspires us to act with compassion and resolve to alleviate it."

1. Truth (Satya)
Tell the truth, be honest and bright, Speak with your heart, and do what’s right.

2. Nonviolence (Ahimsa)
Be kind to all, don’t hurt or fight, With gentle hands, we make things right.

3. Non-stealing (Asteya)
What isn’t yours, leave it be, Respecting others’ property.

4. Self-discipline (Brahmacharya)
Use your energy, mind, and might, To learn and grow, and do what’s right.

5. Non-possession (Aparigraha)
Keep what you need, share the rest, Giving to others is always best.

6. Control of Palate (Asvada)
Eat what’s healthy, eat what’s good, For a happy mind and a healthy mood.

MAHATMA GANDHI 1869 - 1948

The 'dash' in Gandhi's life span signifies his journey of personal transformation through unwavering commitment to the 11 Vows.

His dedication to truth, nonviolence, self-discipline, and equality gave him profound inner strength and personal power to live with integrity and purpose.

7. Fearlessness (Abhaya)
Be brave and bold, face your fears, With courage and smiles, wipe away tears.

8. All Religions Equal
(Sarva Dharma Samanatva) All beliefs deserve respect, In every faith, love is kept.

9. Freedom from Untouchability
(Asprishyatanivaran) Treat everyone with equal grace, No one’s better, we all have a place.

10. Body-labor (Sharirshrama)
Work with your hands, work with pride, Helping others, side by side.

11. Self-Reliance (Swadeshi)
Support your home, buy local too, Helping our community, me and you.

Embrace Gandhi's 11 Vows: Be the Change, Live the Change.

The practice of “Gandhi’s Vows” will cultivate personal integrity, inner strength, and kindness, growing stronger and more united communities, collectively contributing to social harmony.