MGPCO Membership
(Donation Required)
The Board of Directors of the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council of Ottawa (MGPCO) hereby invite you to become a Member of the Peace Council by giving an appropriate level of donation as specified below. Your donation will support the MGPCO’s initiatives.
A tax receipt will be issued for your donation.
Membership Options:
- Trustee (Life Member): Donate $5,000 or more.
- Sponsor (Life Member): Donate $1,000 or more.
- Patron (Life Member): Donate $300 or more.
- 5-year Member: Donate $100 for 5 years (recurring).
- Annual Member: Donate $25 per year (recurring).
- Youth Member (anyone below age 30): Donate $10 per year (recurring).
- Supporter: Donate any amount anytime.
Membership Details | Our Charitable Purpose and Bylaws
Payment Options:
- Life Member Donations ($300 or more):
- By bank e-Transfer to
- By cheque, payable to Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council of Ottawa – Mail the cheque to: Brij Gupta, Treasurer (MGPCO),182 Riversedge Cres, Gloucester, ON K1V 0Z8
- 5-year or annual members (Recurring donation required): Via Paypal (see the payment buttons below.).
Payment via PayPal Options:
Please pay large amounts, $300 or more, by e-Transfer to avoid PayPal fees. Thank you.
Please click the appropriate PayPal button below--You can pay via your own PayPal account, or pay via a credit/debit card or bank.
Details about the Membership
General Body of Members of the Peace Council
In accordance with the By-Laws of the Peace Council, a general body is now formed comprising registered members from across Ottawa communities. This general body shall set the policies of the Peace Council, direct its activities, and appoint/elect from among its members a governing Board of Directors to carry out the operations of the Peace Council.
Memberships Types
Individual Membership – An individual may become a Life-time member (as a Sponsor or Patron), a 5-year Member (recurring donation), an Annual Member (recurring donation), or a Youth Member (recurring donation). Youth Membership is available to anyone below the age 30.
- Organizational Membership – A member organization can nominate individuals as annual members only.
Membership Dues
As stated in the By-Laws of Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council of Ottawa, the Board of Directors has the authority to decide on the donation required for membership. The MGPCO Board of Directors have just decided the following membership fee structure – considered as a charitable donation, for which a tax receipt will be issued:
Each individual annual member, or each nominee of an organization member will be required to pay a recurring annual subscription donation of $25 per member, or a 5-year recurring membership donation of $100.
Youth (below 30) pay a $10 recurring annual membership donation.
An individual who donates $1,000 or more, shall be a Sponsor (Life Member), whereas an individual who donates $300 or more, shall be a Patron (Life Member) of the Council.
Privileges of Membership
Membership in the Council gives an individual and representative of an organizational member the right to vote at the general body meetings of the Council and to receive financial statements and reports, but does not entitle them to receive any advantage of a material character.
An organizational member may nominate any number of representatives as annual members for an annual subscription of $25 per person, or $100 per person for 5 years. Each paying member will have the voting right and shall have one vote.
The activities of the Council shall be carried out in furtherance of its objectives without purpose of gain for its Members or its Directors, and any profits or other accretions to the Council shall be used only in promoting its objectives.
Life Members/Patrons: The Patrons will be consulted in an advisory capacity for guiding the activities of the Council. They will also be honored through the following special privileges:
- Invitation to exclusive/special events, open only to patrons;
- Reserved seating on each event;
- Special notice of events.
Guidelines for Membership
Membership of the Peace Council will be subject to the following guidelines:
Any person or organization that subscribes to the objectives of the Council shall be eligible for membership in the Council.
In order to be eligible for organizational membership, an organization should be a legally constituted business, a Government or public sector organization, an educational institution, a community organization, or a religious, social or faith-based association.
- An organizational member can nominate only annual members. Life-time membership is open only to individual members.
An eligible member may seek membership by submitting a membership application along with prescribed membership dues to the Board of Directors of the Council. Upon acceptance of such an application by the Board of Directors and payment of the annual membership as set by the Board, the person or organization shall become a member of the Council.
An individual or organizational member may withdraw membership by a written request to the Board of Directors.