Other websites on Mahatma Gandhi, Peace, Nonviolence and related topics [Source:]
Complete site on Mahatma Gandhi |
Wikipedia Article on Mahatma Gandhi |
The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Author: Mohandas K. Gandhi — Read Online (From Wikisource) (The complete collection comprises 100 volumes, more than 50,000 pages of text.) |
Read Encyclopedia of Gandhi’s Thoughts — The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi |
GandhiServe Foundation — Mahatma Gandhi Research & Media Service |
Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation for World Peace in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
Gandhi Heritage Portal – Documentation and recordings of Gandhiji’s available writings, speeches and pictures
» is the official site of Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad. Gujarat Vidyapith founded by Mahatma Gandhiji in the year 1920. Mahatma Gandhiji was Founder & Former Chancellor of Gujarat Vidyapith. |
» www.gandhiashramsevagram.orgOfficial website of Sevagram Ashram, Wardha, India which was founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1936. Including nformation for visitors to visit and stay at the Ashram and Mahatma Gandhi’s life and work. |
» www.gandhiserve.orgIt is a superb site on Mahatma Gandhi, including information about books on and by Gandhi in an on-line Mahatma Gandhi Book store which also has an online sale of bags, t-shirts, CD-ROMs, statues and more, all pertaining to Gandhi. Along with information about Gandhi Serve Foundation, there are also links to education, human rights, MK Gandhi, nonviolence and more |
» www.gandhipeacefoundation.orgThe foundation seeks to create an environment for study and research on the teaching and research journal in Gandhian Studies |
» www.transnational.orgThis is the site by the Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research, presents analyses, ideas, columns and debates on the present situation on the present world scenario pertaining to nonviolence, peace and harmony |
» www.gandhitoday.orgGandhi Today focuses just not on Gandhi but his relevance in today’s times. Gandhi TODAY endeavours to inspire its readers to constructive living, not just wishy-washy worshipping, quotating or gossiping. It is the Gandhian concept of living, i.e. Ahimsa (nonviolence, Satyagraha (Nonviolent Action), Swadeshi (Self-reliance), Swaraj (Self-Rule) and above all, Sarvodaya (the welfare of all) and the difficult task of applying this concept to our present violent based society, that has top priority on this site. The site, both in Swedish and English, contains many articles, updates on nonviolence and its relevance in today’s times world over |
» is one of the most highly-visible and visited peace websites, being highly ranked through Gulf War II. The mission of the mission is featuring the best writing and analysis from a nonviolent viewpoint. The site also has a discussion board, various articles on issues related to peace and nonviolence with many links on other nonviolent sites |
» www.nonviolenceworks.comThis site is about the Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence, established in 2000 with a mission to heal, empower and revitalize lives and communities through the practice of nonviolence as a way of life. The site has many articles on nonviolence activities and also has many updates on the programmes of the center |
» www.navajivantrust.orgThis site by Navajivan Trust which holds the copy right of Gandhi’s works has a detailed information about the trust, its background, list of publications and so on. Founded by Mahatma Gandhi, Navajivan Trust is a publishing house of great repute having to its credit publications of more than 800 titles in English, Gujarati, Hindi and other languages so far |
» www.gandhiinstitute.netThe site is on MK Gandhi Institute of nonviolence of Arun Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson. It has different sections on Gandhi such as biography, articles by Arun Gandhi, a chronology of Mahatma’s life, his fasts, quotations, photo library, articles on nonviolence and also list of books, CDs and other items from the institute |
» www.gandhimuseum.orgA complete site about the biggest Gandhi museum at Rajghat, New Delhi, its library which houses a vast collection of books numbering 26000 and has a Gandhi photo exhibition with 600 photographs |
» www.markshep.comYou’ll find information and resources for Mahatma Gandhi the Gandhi Movement, nonviolence, peacemaking, small scale alternatives, and simple living |
» site contains information on Khadi & Village Industry Commission |
» Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence which was established in 2005 explores the significance for the contemporary world of the great task Mahatma Gandhi set for himself and for all of us as an experiment and an actual experience. Through education, international dialogues, and youth-focused programs, the Center studies and supports appropriate ways to put into practice the expression of mutual respect among human beings and for the planet’s natural environment. The Center is a non-partisan and non-sectarian enterprise that welcomes both secular and faith-based participants in its programs. Its goal is to serve as a synergistic center for conflict resolution and peace-building that works for the mutual betterment of all inhabitants of our planet |
» www.gandhi-manibhavan.orgThis is a site by Mani Bhavan, Gandhi Museum and Library, Mumbai and has a wide range of articles on and by Gandhi with a large collection of links to get more information on Gandhi, nonviolence, peace and conflict resolution |
» www.7islands.inThe site intends to expose the Indian youth to film that brings new ideas, methodology, solutions and experimentation for social change through non violence and global disarmament |
» http://home.snafu.deA site by Gandhi Information Centre, Germany which was established in 1990 it has been freely available for Education and Culture |
» www.mahatma.comA beautiful site about Gandhi, his views, a photo gallery, quotations and also consists of a section, ‘poems’ where one can send poems on Gandhi and more |
» www.gandhifoundation.orgThe Gandhi Foundation was set up by Richard Attenborough, well-known director of the film ‘GANDHI’ in 1983 to spread knowledge of the philosophy and teaching of Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) in Britain |
» www.gandhisangrahalaypatna.orgInformation about Gandhi Sangrahalaya in Patna with library and other services |
» www.gvpwardha.inA site by Institute of Gandhian Studies, Wardha |
» www.fourthfreedom.orgAn important site on nonviolence, by fourth freedom forum, which explores options for the nonviolent resolution of international conflicts, it has also has articles and publications published recently |
» www.pepeace.orgThis is a beautiful site by the organisation PEP (Promoting Enduring Peace) is an organisation working tirelessly to promote peace and friendship and educating people to develop a more peaceful and thus a happy society. This site also has a section informing visitors about Gandhi Peace Prize awarded for contribution towards international peace and good will |
» www.nobleworld.orgThis website works to educate and inspire people to promote peace, harmony, and well-being in the world. It upholds the ideas and ideals described in the book, Building a Noble World. Recognizing Mahatma Gandhi as one of the greatest apostle of peace, this website propagates Gandhi’s practical doctrine of resisting evil by the force of love |
» beautiful site on India, its culture and festivals, landscapes, social issues, history and more, has a section on Gandhi which includes his biography, articles on him and also a select bibliography |
» http://www.questia.comAn exhaustive online library with books on Gandhi |
» brief yet informative section on Gandhi, presented in an interesting way with photographs, illustrations, puppets, Rangoli (Designs made with coloured powder), portraits, cartoons, a photo-quilt, etc. A visual treat for all those interested in Gandhi; it also includes quotes and views of Gandhi along with excerpts from some well-known books on and by Gandhi |
» www.pathfinder.comThis site has a beautiful section on Gandhi constituting an online quiz on Gandhi, an article on Gandhi by Nelson Mandela and a photo album of Mahatma Gandhi, along with a photographic tour of the life and times of Mohandas Gandhi |
» | www.InternationalDayofPeace.orgUpdated information about Peace programmes, events and needs with CPI Peace-building Community The CULTURE OF PEACE INITIATIVE (formerly the “WE THE PEOPLES” INITIATIVE) is a United Nations-designated “Peace Messenger Initiative” – with Participants in all the world’s regions |
» www.satya-graha.orgThe Satya Graha Forum seeks to get a conversation going about non violent strategies as practiced by Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. This coming April various cultural organizations in New York City will be holding events that relate to the subject |
» www.swashealthcare.comOffers professional healthcare services to traditional medicine system based healthcare centers and hospitals. For existing centers, offers to take the centre on lease or on management contract basis. Also offers management audit for existing centers. At the end of audit we submit a report containing evaluation of various departments and our recommendations for improvement |
»’s virtual ashram with a photo Gallery of Gandhiji’s Images and Gandhiji’s Quotations |
»’s voice recorded while he was giving a talk on “My Spiritual Message.” |
» beautiful section on Gandhi, with articles on Gandhi by Richard Attenborough and Louis Fischer |
» www.theimageworks.comPhotographs of Mahatma Gandhi |
» www.sscnet.ucla.eduA beautiful section on Gandhi, his life and work |
» Mahatma Gandhi, the missing laureateThis site on Nobel prizes, has a section on Gandhi’s Nobel nomination |
» section has articles on Gandhi’s life, his writings and a chronology on his life |
» BBC news site has a page on Gandhi and has put some current news on Gandhi |
» www.spiritualmkgandhi.orgThe website is dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi’s pious thoughts on spirituality |
» www.youth4gandhi.orgThe website is targeted towards youth empowerment to develop responsible young world citizens |
» www.spwhsl.comThe Spinning Wheel Sleuth : A newsletter about Spinning Wheels and related tools, provides detailed information about Chrakha (Spinning Wheel) |
» of videos on Mahatma Gandhi |
» www.gandhi.ruRussian website. Devoted to Mahatma Gandhi, his life, work and philosophy |
» http://whatwouldgandhido.netGandhi quotations and links reflect his ideas about spirituality and non-violent action, as well as his deep commitment to individual liberty and the minimal state |
» shop of stickers, mugs, t-shirts, postcards, caps with Mahatma Gandhi graphics |
» Thinkquest LibraryProjects by Students for students |
» www.earthcarebooks.comEarthcare Books is a publisher and distributor of books on environmental issues and just and sustainable development. Selling worth-reading Gandhi books under the category of ‘Gandhian vision’ |
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» www.gandhikingfoundation.orgPromoting Sarvodaya Social Order – a society based on the principles of Welfare of all, equality of all, respect for all, a society built on the foundations of truth and nonviolence, compassion, cooperation with the spirit of understanding, tolerance, peaceful coexistence, human values, Peace with Justice in a sustainable world |
» www.gandhiinstitute.orgWebsite of the M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, a nonprofit organisation that works to realize the vision of its historic namesake. The M. K. Gandhi Institute helps individuals and communities develop the inner resources and practical skill needed to achieve a nonviolent, sustainable and just world. Located at the University of Rochester, the M. K. Gandhi Institute collaborates with other nonprofits, academic institutes, students and driven peacemakers |
» www.musicalgandhi.nlGandhi, musical and educational project |
» www.gandhiworld.inA tribute to Mahatma Gandhi through Memorabilia by Gandhi World Foundation |
» www.tarunbharatsangh.orgTarun Bharat Sangh seeks to bring dignity and prosperity to the life of destitute section of rural India through sustainable development measures. It works for the holistic development of men, women, and children, regardless of economic situation, caste or religion. Working for the empowerment of rural communities, TBS believes in Gandhian approach of Gram Swarajya-village self rule |
» www.gandhibapu.comA website dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi – Father of the nation |
» www.swadeshikerala.inWebsite of Gandhi Centre for Rural Development (GCRD); spearheading the Swadeshi movement in accordance with the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi for the realisation of Gramaswaraj through Swadeshi and Self-reliance |
» www.gandhipeacecentreaustralia.comThe Gandhi Peace Centre is a not for profit, secular, charitable organisation working with the Children, Youth and Communities in Sydney. Organisation’s Vision and Mission Statements believes in the peace, harmony and non violence means of interventions ‘for the wellbeing of all.’ |
» www.nisargopcharashram.orgA website of Nature Cure centre, situated at Pune, Maharashra, India. Providing complete information about Nature Cure treatment |
» www.fatherofnation.inA website propagating Gandhian philosophy among society |
» www.gandhitour.infoGandhi Legacy Tour 2013-14 |
» www.gandhiforchildren.orgFight Child Trafficking | End Child Hunger – Gandhi For Children – End Forced Child Labor |
» www.nonviolentpeaceforce.orgNonviolent Peaceforce (NP) is an unarmed, professional civilian peacekeeping force that is invited to work in conflict zones worldwide |
» http://www.quoteswave.comCollection of quotations by Mahatma Gandhi |
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» www.metapeaceteam.orgMETA PEACE TEAM (MPT) empowers people to engage in active nonviolent peacemaking. MPT was started in 1993 as Michigan Peace Team, in response to the growing need for civilian peace-makers both in the U.S. and abroad. MPT offers nonviolence training workshops and provide opportunities to join peace teams. |
» www.ncri.inNCRI is working to strengthen rural India in a holistic manner, using education as an instrument of social advancement. Their major interventions includes 1) Obtaining equivalence for Nai Talim degrees / diplomas / certificates, 2)Appraisal of conceptual and theoretical approaches and revision of curriculum, and and 3) Training of new generation Nai Talim teachers. |
» www.satyagrahafoundation.orgThis web site endeavors to create an Archive of Record of significant texts on the history, theory, and practice of nonviolence, mainly represent a Gandhian perspective, it recognize that nonviolence is a living, dynamic concept that reshapes and reinterprets itself from age to age and culture to culture. Nonviolence is responsive to needs, and needs affect form. This website is owned and maintained by Stichting Satyagraha, a nonprofit organization duly registered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
» www.peacetruthahimsa.comPeace Truth Ahimsa is an initiative that enables students and adults to explore Mahatma Gandhi and his life; using engagement as a catalyst. Infotainment technology, Interactive talks, rich media visualisations, collaborative art and culinary experiences weave a journey from the past that empowers the participant with values to influence the future |
» www.gandhibrigade.orgGandhi Brigade commits to provide programs that empower youth to be leaders in their communities. They envision a radically diverse network of youth and adults who are united in their commitment to fight for the empowerment of all people through the Gandhi principles of nonviolence, awareness, and common effort |
» www.barefootcollege.orgBarefoot College is a non-governmental organization that has been providing basic services and solutions to problems in rural communities for more than 40 years, with the objective of making them self-sufficient and sustainable. These ‘Barefoot solutions’ can be broadly categorized into the delivery of Solar Electrification, Clean Water, Education, Livelihood Development, and Activism. With a geographic focus on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), we believe strongly in Empowering Women as agents of sustainable change |
» www.gandhianpeace.comProviding information, consultation, education and training to resolve conflict in a non-violent manner that decreases violence in all its forms and leads to harmony in the family, school, workplace, society, and inspire humanity to expand its consciousness to create Peace on earth |
» www.gandhi.southafrica.netExplores various faces of Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa like The Young Lawyer, Campaigner, Publisher, Satyagrahi, Prisoner, The Tolstotan etc. |
» www.gandhipeacemission2015.inBrief information about Gandhi’s ‘Pilgrimage to Noakhali’, exploring new methods and strategies in Peace building, Peace-making and Peace-keeping. |
» WikipediaBrief information about Mahatma Gandhi’s life and works, important events, related links etc |
» www.gandhimemorialcenter.orgOfficial website of Gandhi Memorial Center, USA. Brief information about Mahatma Gandhi and activities of the Center |
» www.gandhimemorialcenter.orgOfficial website of Gandhi Memorial Center, USA. Brief information about Mahatma Gandhi and activities of the Center |
» is an organization run entirely by volunteers. They leverage technology to encourage everyday people around the world to do small acts of service. Their aim is to ignite the fundamental generosity in ourselves and others, creating both inner and outer transformation |
» leverages the internet to promote positive and uplifting news around the world to more than 100,000 subscribers through the daily and weekly newsletters. Readers receive a news story, an inspiring quote, and a suggested action that each person can take to make a difference in their own lives and the world around them |
» peace and non-violence |
» www.peacetruthahimsa.comPeace Truth Ahimsa is an initiative that enables students and adults to explore Mahatma Gandhi and his life; using engagement as a catalyst. Infotainment technology, Interactive talks, rich media visualisations, collaborative art and culinary experiences weave a journey from the past that empowers the participant with values to influence the future |
» quotes by Mahatma Gandhi |
» www.nonviolent-conflict.orgThe INTERNATIONAL CENTER ON NONVIOLENT CONFLICT (ICNC) is an independent, nonprofit educational foundation that develops and encourages the study and use of civilian-based, nonmilitary strategies to establish and defend human rights, democracy and justice worldwide. |
» www.vinoba.inThis website is an essential resource for the study of Acharya Vinoba Bhave and the Bhoodan-Gramdan (Land-gift and Village-gift) movement which he initiated and led. The website will strive to provide as much material as possible and thereby acquaint a wider global audience with Vinoba’s refreshingly original and radical ideas, which can give invaluable lessons for the present and the future |
» https://knowing.gandhism.infoBlog on Mahatma Gandhi. Includes quiz, discussions and other information about Mahatma Gandhi, his life and works |
» www.gandhiansociety.comWebsite of Gandhian Society, USA (GSNJ). GSNJ is a non-profit, philanthropic organization with an unflinching commitment to take the Gandhian philosophy of life and turn it into practical applications for daily life that will inspire the youth & residents of America |
» www.gandhijayanti2017.comUseful website for students. Collection of essays, Gandhi quotes, images, speeches, slogans etc |
» www.jaijagat2020.orgA Global Campaign for Justice and Peace. Jai Jagat means “Victory of an Inclusive and Peaceful World” where no one is left behind -no person, no group, no nation and even no living being. Thousands of marchers committed to nonviolent change all over the World will march from India, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, Mali, Senegal, Spain and other countries to Geneva (Switzerland). They will meet in Geneva between September 25th and October 3rd, 2020. The Jai Jagat 2020 Campaign invites all organisations, movements and activists sharing the values of peace and nonviolence |
» www.nonviolentsolutions.orgThe website of Centre for Nonviolent Solutions with a mission to provide education and resources to help people in the Worcester Area to understand nonviolence and peacemaking as a way of life and to reject the use of violence in resolving conflict for students. Collection of essays, Gandhi quotes, images, speeches, slogans etc |
» www.gsnmumbai.orgOfficial website of Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, Mumbai, organises various competitions for School students on the occasion of Gandhi Birth Anniversary every year. |