Vaishnav Jan To Tene Kahiye song by 124 country Artists

This song ‘Vaishnav Jan To Tene Kahiye…’ — Gandhi’s favorite song — was sung by artists from over 124 countries as a tribute to Gandhi Ji. This was done as a part of the 150th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Mahatma Gandhi. On Tuesday, the 2nd of October, 2018, a medley version of the famous bhajan (hymn) is song has been launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This medley features artists from over 40 countries.

This video was recorded at the Mahatma Gandhi International Sanitation Conference in the presence of the UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutierrez and many prominent personalities. 

This hymn is in Gujarati. It was composed by The famous Gujarati hymn was composed by poet Narsimha Mehta in the 15th century. It was a favourite of Mahatma Gandhi. He used to sing it in daily prayers before his meetings.